Fincas Mallorca
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Finca Calabat in Fornalutx
Finca Calabat in Fornalutx

Legal disclaimer

Fincas Mallorca is the trading name of the agency of

Gerold Uder
Camí Vell de Balitx, 1
07100 Sóller
Mallorca - Spain

Phone: +34 971 633017

Islas BalearesVAT-number: ES X1808069Q

Registered as agency for holiday lettings with the Balearic Tourism Board with number CE/55 (FIMA CB)

Data protection manager
Gerold Uder (

Palma de Mallorca

Exemption from liability
Fincas Mallorca is not liable for correctness, completeness and topicality of information provided on this website. They will not be liable for damage resulting from the use or non-use of this website. No liability will be assumed for the contents of third party websites linked to this website and containing information that third parties are responsible for. "Fincas Mallorca" declares that she has no influence on the current or future design, on contents or copyright of linked websites and hereby expressly dissociate themselves from any contents of sites linked to their website which have been modified after linkage and do not recognise these.

All contents and structures of this website are subject to copyright. Publication in the World Wide Web or using other internet services does not provide consent for any other use by third parties. We permit and welcome quotes from our documents and links to our website unless it is not made clear that the quotation is contained in the Fincas Mallorca website and unless such contents are connected with third party contents contradictory to the interests of "Fincas Mallorca".

Fincas Mallorca

Fincas Mallorca
Sóller - Mallorca  |  Tel. +34 971 633017